LATEST NEWS .....The Nairn DSFB urges all local anglers to report all pink salmon, diseased fish and escaped farm salmon on the FMS reporting apps found on

The Nairn District Salmon Fishery Board is a statutory body, made up of elected River Nairn proprietors, their mandatories and co-opted representatives.           


Board  members:
Rossie MacRae (Chair)

Philip Arkell

Paul MacBeth

Cllr Laurie Fraser

Dereck MacKenzie 

Jamie Mackintosh Walker

Alexander Rose

Cllr Barbara Jarvie

Stephen Fraser (Co-opted Angling Representative) 

David Johnstone (Co-opted Angling Representative)          

Clerk to the Board:  

Jon Gibb


Philip Arkell

Water Bailiffs: 

Dave Bowie 

Roddy Forbes


Reporting Poaching:
Advice from Police Wildlife Crime - see 'Poaching & Pollution'

Reporting Pollution:

Hotline 0800 807060  & - see 'Poaching & Pollution'

On 1st February 2019  the  Nairn District Salmon Fishery Board resumed responsibility for all matters within its statutory remit. 

It ceased to be a member of the Findhorn Nairn & Lossie Fisheries Trust (FNLFT).  

Any business related to Salmonids  within the River Nairn catchment should be addressed to the appropriate person on the Nairn DSFB's Board or its Staff. 
Please see the Contacts page for details.